LEDApple 專訪2013年7月報導
1. How did the group’s name Led apple come about?
The first part of the name ‘Led’ is taken from the first part of the legendary rock band ‘Led Zeppelin’ in respect for the way the band took on their music as well as a symbol of honour for the band’s longevity. ‘Apple’ is a metaphor for the ‘freshness’ that idols possess.
2. Please tell us more about Led apple new mini album? What are the differences compared to the previous albums?
The ‘Bad Boys’ mini-album incorporates a mixture of many genres of music. The songs itself sing about different perspectives of love - different ways in which a man loves someone. It is different to previous albums in that we have explored a lot more genres in this album, trying things that we haven’t done before. It also expresses the ‘sexy’ side to Led apple.
3. How would you describe your new album “Bad Boys”? What are the creative challenges in producing your latest sound?
Our latest album is a mixture of a lot of genres that we have a passion for. We do not set boundaries on the style of music we want to produce and this album had a lot more variety that set it apart from other albums. While our title track has our usual band sound to it, we incorporated a bit of Latin to it. The mini-album as a whole contains love ballads, and ranges from slow love songs to upbeat rock songs with a lot of groove.
4. Led apple debuted with much success. Did that create extra stress or pressure in you to do better with your following albums?
It is true that we received a lot more love and support from our fans as well as good reviews from the critics. And it would be a lie to say that we didn’t receive any pressure at all. I guess it heightens the expectation that our fans have for us in future albums as well as the expectation we have for ourselves.
5. Do you prefer complicated artistic song or catchy rhythm fun song in your album?
We try to incorporate all style of music into our album. So there is no particular styles that we prefer.
6. As the title is “Bad Boys”, who is considered to be the bad boy in Led apple?
Hanbyul is the ‘baddest’ boy. Only because he is very kind to all the females that he meets, whether it be on or off work.
7. Please also tell us more about each Led apple’s member’s personal character.
Youngjun tends to be quiet and is quite shy around new people. But once he becomes close to someone he usually doesn’t hide himself at all.
Kyumin is the energizer of the group always in a good mood and joking around with the members a lot.
Gwangyeon is the role model of the group. He is never out of line and is always doing the right thing. He is also very down to earth, gets up early and sleeps early.
Hyoseok is the other joker of the group. But he is very mature and open hearted and listens to others’ worries or thoughts.
Hanbyul is the ‘free’ member of Led apple. He is very open-minded and easy to get along with. You could call him ‘the cool guy’.
8. Please tell us more about your visual concept this time around.
We definitely tried to add a more mature ‘sexy’ and Latin look that suits our title track, Bad Boys.
9. Are you guys worried that your good looks might cause fans to overlook your musical talents?
It is not so much of a worry and we always want to look as good as possible. It is an important aspect for us, but we just hope that our fans will recognise and look further into our musical ability individually and as a band. But we still love the fans that like us for our looks as well.
10. Led apple are known for their live show, what are you planning to show in your upcoming concert (if any)?
We try to have a different concept to each concert we open and we try new things as well.
Our earlier concerts had a lot more ‘rock’ feel to it while later concerts concentrated more on the performance aspects. We are not sure what the concept will be for our next concert but there is no doubt that we will give our fans something they’ve not seen in us before.
11. What do you think is fascinating about K-pop?
K-pop has a lot of versatility. A lot of the foreign K-pop fans are only familiar to the K-pop dance idols but when you look further into it, there are many artists with uniqueness and musical talent. The most fascinating thing about K-pop is that it is a leader in music and what is more fascinating is that many people around the world like it.
12. Where do you see yourselves and Led apple after 5 years?
Hanbyul - In 5 years, hopefully we will have gained more depth and popularity worldwide. If we happen to be able to open a World Tour within 5 years, I think that will be a dream come true.
13. What does Led apple wanted to achieve personally and as a band?
Hanbyul - I want to become a recognized vocalist not only within Korea but also overseas. In time, I would also like to become a all-round entertainer, taking roles in acting and also as a TV host.
14. The members are very active via SNS and even connect regularly musically via your YouTube series, Music Note. How important do you think social media play role in increasing your popularity?
It definitely play a huge role in increasing popularity nationally and worldwide. It could almost be said to be the main way in which we can communicate with our fans.
15. How often you guys update your activity via social network?
We try and tell our fans updates and new info on what we’re doing and what’s happening everyday.
16. Youngjun, as the leader, do the other members often go to you for advice and support?
They merely come. I must admit. But sometimes they might come, from the youngest member to Hanbyul, who is the same age as me, and ask about different things. Whether it be music or their family life. But most of time they are doing pretty well by themselves.
17. Is there a particular trait that would make you attracted to a girl?
Hanbyul – Definitely personality. Someone easy to get along with and someone who can give me support when I’m in need. It doesn’t take a lot, she just has to be kind and understanding.
18. What kind of boyfriend do you think you will make?
Hanbyul – The best boyfriend. I can promise that. I will basically do anything to make her happy.
Gwangyeon – I will be a kind boyfriend and I want to cook for my girlfriend.
Youngjun – A boyfriend that could make a lovely father.
19. If your girlfriend were going to leave you, what would you do?
Hanbyul – It depends on the reason why she’s going to leave me but most of the time I would probably apologize anyway and keep her by my side.
Gwangyeon – I would ask for the reason and then try to solve it. If we were not meant for each other then let it be.
Youngjun – If her heart has left me no matter the reason, then I would let her go.
20. Do you have any plan to promote outside of Korea? What country would you love the most to go?
We definitely have plans to promote overseas and a new mini-album will be released in Japan on the 31st of July. So we will promoting overseas starting with Japan. There are so many countries that we would like to visit and perform in but one of the countries that have caught our eyes is the UK.
21. Considering you have never been to Malaysia yet, what do you know/heard about Malaysia?
Hanbyul - I’ve had a Malaysian friend before and he always said that I would need to come and visit. I’ve heard the people are kind over there and I’ve tasted some delicious Malaysian cuisines before such as Bakuteh, Hokkien Mee and Nasi Kandar. I’ve made a promise with myself that I would visit the Perhentian Islands and Langkawi.
22. Is there anything you would like to say to your Malaysian fans?
Thank you so much for the overwhelming love and support you have given to Led apple. We are very thankful and we are sorry that we have yet come to see you guys. In the near future, we promise to go to Malaysia, see all our fans in person and perform for you.