最近,韓國青少年團體TEEN TOP他們在推特放上最新專輯概念的照片。
5月22日發布,對TEEN TOP成員照片,''The hot fever in my chest and hunger are making the sleeping artist blood inside me boil~ It’s ok if my lips are paralyzed if I can sing! (They really are paralyzed). Chunji hyung strewn with flowers and flowers, Niel hyung who lost his mind, and me (Ricky), exhausted with hunger."
照片中三名成員Niel 、Chunji 、 Ricky 蹲在路邊上模樣。三個男孩蜷縮身體包著毯子冰冷天氣下,彈吉他。
TEEN TOP將與5月30日發行第三張迷你專輯並且復出。喜歡他們的歌迷一定要繼續鎖定★Let's Fly' B1A4★BANA Club,我將會給你們更多新資訊息喔!!
(感謝Sports Chosun via Nate提供)