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目前分類:B1A4 (2013)

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從第一季的少女時代媽媽開始一直到第五季的 MBLAQ 爸爸,每一季都深受粉絲們喜愛的 Hello Baby,第六季即將開拍!之前網路上盛傳第六季會邀請大勢的男子團體 ─ B1A4 擔任,由於官方尚未給予正式公告,讓大家深信不疑。

但就在最近 KBS JOY 的管理員傳達了令人振奮的好消息:「B1A4 與孩子們已經進行了畫報的拍攝,而第六季我們也將以『Hello Family 家庭旅遊』為主題,B1A4 將與兩位五歲來自於慶尚道和全羅省的孩子們帶大家認識首爾的美。」


(msn_i_24  Kpopn、Allkpop提供)

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目前KBS JOY的管理員在觀眾留言板上給出了明確答复,使一直盛傳的B1A4出演HB一事變得明朗。節目預計在7月9日進行錄影。


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Win The Day (모두 애쓰리) - Team SIII (2PM,、Miss A, Sistar, MBLAQ, 4Minute, ZE:A, 9Muses, Dalshabet、 B1A4)

 歌曲名稱 : Team SIII - Win The Day

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바나~잘 지내고 있어요?

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最近B1A4的行程太多導致隊長振勇的老毛病 "腸胃" 又發作了,在錄製"BABY I'M  SORRY"歌曲時候振永的身體就已經亮紅燈,然而他忍耐著疼痛繼續錄製音樂,公司也勸他休息,振永他不想因為個人因素影響B1A4回歸舞台時間,真是敬業的對長啊~!!

振永一直腸胃痛拖到Baby good night音樂宣傳結束才去醫院就診 ,之前還差點在拍攝Baby good night音樂節目通告表演結束昏倒,當時還要兩位經紀人扶振永回到後台休息室休息,公司為了讓振永可以休息,於是決定放B1A4一個禮拜的假期和師兄INFINITE一同去巴黎島度假順便治療振永的腸胃痛疾病


(msn_i_24  韓國相關新聞提供)

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Korean male five member group, B1A4, held their launch commemoration event for their Japanese debut single, ‘Beautiful Target -Japanese ver.-’ on the 1st of July at Kanagawa, Kawasaki Lazona plaza. Yesterday (30th of June), they held a handshake event at Tokyo Big Sight, and shook the hands of more than 30,000 people for 10 hours, and extremely enthusiastic fans flocked to the event. Leader Jinyoung said “Although we are rookies who have just made our debut (in Japan), to have so many people come to support us is something that we are grateful for,” thanking the twelve thousand fans who gathered there.

I’m really happy to have met all of you. My heart is pounding hard and fast even now.’ (Gongchan) ‘My heart was beating so fast in excitement last night that I couldn’t sleep.’ (Baro) Although these were the happy things that B1A4 thought of about their Japanese debut, some of the words of the interpreter did not reach the members due to the loud cheers from the audience. Whenever a member waved to a fan during a song, shrill cheers that sounded like cries of lament covered the venue completely.

About their struggles when it came to recording in Japanese, the members said ‘The pronunciation was difficult, so recording took quite a bit of time’ (Gongchan) ‘Just a single word ([t/n: Japanese character] pronounced wrongly would change the entire meaning, so it was really difficult’

 (CNU) ‘Although Jinyoung hyung is a kind and gentle hyung all the time, when it comes to recording he’s really strict, and he follows the direction of his song really closely,’ said Sandeul about Jinyoung, who wrote the song ‘Bling Girl -Japanese ver.-’ included in the single, which also showed the versatile side of Baro and Jinyoung when it comes to writing lyrics.

Furthermore, when Baro announced ‘Our second single ‘Oyasumi good night’ [t/n: oyasumi means good night in japanese] will be released on the 29th of august, and the first applause of the day arose. Afterwards, CNU said ‘We want to hold a concert in Japan’, Gongchan said ‘We want to win a rookie award’, speaking powerfully about their dreams in Japan, Jinyoung said determinedly ‘We would do our best and work hard, and become a group that everyone loves.’

B1A4 is a five member group made up of Jinyoung, CNU, Sandeul, Baro and Gongchan. Their group name comes from how they have one member of blood type B, and four members of blood type A, and has the meaning of ‘Be the one, All for one’, where the members would do their best in order to realise their dreams. B1A4 debuted in April last year in Korea, with their 1st mini album ‘LET’S FLY’, and their dance move, the ‘breeze dance’ became a hot topic. With their cute looks and distinguished singing ability, they made a swept up the Korean rookie of the year awards.

6月30日,B1A4 在東京與超過35,000名粉絲慶祝他們在日本出道;7月1日也在 Lazona 川崎廣場與15,000名粉絲見面,兩場出道活動並吸引了五萬名粉絲參加。

根據報導,接近一千人在 B1A4 的出道活動現場等了一整個晚上,在早上的活動,也有著超過一萬名粉絲聚集在現場等待活動開始。

活動上,B1A4 演唱了日本出道曲 "Beautiful Target" 和日文版的 “Bling Girl" 和 “Chu Chu Chu"。
B1A4 表示:「很多人來看我們和跟著我們唱,真的覺得很驚喜。有些粉絲還穿戴著和我們一樣的服裝和配件。我們會盡力把最好的表演展現給大家看。」

B1A4 最近結束了後續曲 “Baby Good Night" 的宣傳活動,成員們也會分別展開個人活動或是休息一下。


(msn_i_24Article Credits: oriconjp + glynx @ FLIGHTB1A4.COM  

tables @ FLIGHTB1A4.COM)



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