MBLAQ 可愛的女兒 Lauren 要暫時離開 Hello baby 節目了,這究竟是因為什麼原因呢?
Lauren 的爸爸透過推特寫下了這樣的訊息
All fans: I just wanted to let you all know that Lauren has missed a lot of filming lately.
This is due to the shock she received from witnessing an accident on the filming day, as well as being sick. It has been a stressful time for us as Lauren has become a bit camera shy while sheis recovering.
We would like to thank all the staff at Hello Baby for their understanding.We hope that Lauren will get well soon as the filming is nearly finished.All of your love and support for her has been amazing and I hope you support her through this tough time.
Sincerely,The Lunde Family
所有的粉絲們,我想讓你們知道 Lauren 最近錯過了很多的拍攝這是因為在拍攝的時候,他親眼看見了一場意外事故而受到了驚嚇,而且生病了Laren 在恢復期有點害怕面對鏡頭,這讓我們有點緊張,我們想感謝所有 Hello Baby 的工作人員的諒解,拍攝結束在即,我們希望 Lauren 能夠早點康復,各位對他的愛以及支持一直以來都是很驚人的,所以我希望你們這次也能夠支持她度過這段困難的時光
The Lunde Family