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ZE:A 在官方網站上 PO 了一個名為 20120704 Comeback: Preview for ZE:A Showcase on YouTube (20120704 回歸:ZE:A Youtube 演出預告) 的影片。影片中,他們先用韓文、中文、日文、泰文、英文等語言向大家打招呼,接著才向大家宣布這次的活動內容。

韓國時間7月3日晚上七點半 (臺灣時間晚上六點半) 別錯過了 Youtbe 的 ZE:A 回歸演出直播喔!

 「大家好。Youtube 始用者們!ZE:A fighting!大家好,我們是 ZE:A。我們要告訴大家一個非常令人開心的消息,我們會在7月4日回歸。為了慶祝回歸,我們會在7月3日晚上七點半舉行一場演出。當天,我們也會公開新專輯的主打歌!還有一個好消息喔~ 這場演出也會透過 Youtube 轉播到全球各地。如果想率先看到全新的 ZE:A,7月3日晚上七點半就來點 ZE:A 的 Youtube 頻道吧!來 Youtube 看我們!別忘了7月3日晚上七點半,謝謝大家,掰掰~」

(msn_i_24  allkpop、Kpopn提供)

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(니엘) 우리는 무엇을 하고있을까요? 캡) 니엘이는 참 못생겼다

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Your charms: I bring energy to this world, the owner of this fatal attraction, main vocal Sandeul.

If I would live as someone else for a week, I wish to live as Jim Carrey in the movie “Mask”. I’ve always wanted to wear that mask ever since I was young.

As soon as I wake up, I replenish my body with water since it’s the start of a day.

Before I sleep, I end the day with water too.
Lullaby you wish to hear from your girlfriend? I think I’ll fall asleep slowly to the childhood rhyme of “A Sailor Went To Sea”.

Type of girl who will move your heart: A person who does their best at their work. A girl who can hold onto me and move my heart.

Amongst the members, what are you number one at? My lips are fuller and sexier than any of them.

When do the members look sexy? When Channie comes out of the shower and he calls for me. I will never forget the appearance of him ruffling his hair dry while looking at me.

A recent worry: I always think about what sort of pretty actions should I do to receive praise from the other members. It’s a worry that I have for myself.

Members’ secrets: Jinyoung hyung and Baro are just as tall as I am!!! No one knows that.

Goal in 2012: To do everything to my best effort so that I regret nothing. To work hard at exercising. And also to receive the love of noonas.

Me in 15 years’ time I’ll be dressed from top to bottom in a furry training suit, with two puppies on a morning jog. I’ll then meet the members to compose songs in the afternoon.

To Baro: Please stop nagging. I’ll do better.

To the fans: We’re eating and sleeping well, and healthy. So now, there’s nothing to worry about right?

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Your charms: I am part of B1A4′s vocal line, chic maknae Gongchan. I have the unknown power of aegyo.

Phrase that makes you happy: When someone calls out for me with “Chansik-ah~”, I feel that there is no distance between us, and it makes me feel closer to the person.

Nickname that is unforgettable: Neup-dol. [T/N: Or swamp-dol. 늪/Neup is Korean for swamp, and swamps are known that it is hard to get out once you’ve fallen into it.] You will not be able to get out once you’ve fallen. I’d like to confess that it is actually us who came up with this nickname.

If I would live as someone else for a week, I want to live as Hansel from “Hansel and Gretel”. I would eat the gingerbread house for a week.

B1A4′s worst bloody battle? I swear I speak the truth, but we have never fought before. We talk a lot, and comfort each other. The reason for our biggest argument was over the dinner menu.

Members’ body parts that you want: Sandeul’s cheek fats. I’m looking for the recently missing cutie bouncy cheek fats of Sandeul hyung.

Members’ secrets: When we need to clean (the dormitory), the hyungs disappear one by one. So I always end up doing it alone.

Members’ sleeping habits: Jinyoung hyung does ballet when he’s asleep. CNU talks to himself, and it’s scary. If you sleep with Sandeul hyung, he’ll hug you to sleep. Baro hyung snores. Hyungs, I’m sorry.

Lullaby you wish to sing to your girlfriend? A song with sweet lyrics, such as Alex’s “사랑하오” (I Love You). I want to love her.

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