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8月15日 HaHa 與 Byul,昨晚在韓國63大廈舉行婚禮。在11月30日登記結婚的當天圈內、圈外好友紛紛盛裝出席,像是金濟東、少女時代的太妍、潤娥、金鐘國、姜虎東、Leessang、尹道賢、朴慶琳、無限挑戰的成員劉在石、鄭亨敦、鄭埻夏(鄭俊河)、盧弘喆(盧洪哲)…等。


而這場婚禮主持人是 HaHa 好友 – 金濟東、尹振榮,並由 HaHa 的爸爸、朴美善以及牧師曹政錫上台致祝賀詞。而金鐘國、無限挑戰、Keun Sik、act29 也替婚禮演唱了甜蜜的祝歌。

對於結婚的心情,Byul 傳達:「老實說,沒有什麼感覺。只有和 HaHa 一起做節目的心情而已。」HaHa 也說:「我也一樣,只有日常跑行程的感覺耶!」


Byul 也談到孩子的問題:「我希望可以生一個和俞勝豪一樣的兒子非常可愛不是嗎?長得帥、又會演戲。能夠有這樣的孩子就好了。」一旁的 HaHa 卻說:「雖然當藝人很不錯,但我們的第一個孩子要無條件去當運動員,我決定要讓朴智星教我們孩子體育。」

另外,今天兩人也出發到越南度蜜月。最後也祝福 HaHa、Byul 長長久久、永遠幸福!

(msn_i_24  Newsen 、 allkpop、Kpopn提供)




HaHa 與 Byul拍攝婚紗照片公開>



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One of the fairest-looking boy bands, B1A4 has proved they’re an idol group equipped with musical talent.

On the episode of KBS2′s Immortal Song 2 that aired on November 1, which was late Bae Hot themed, the five-member boy band gave a fabulous performance of On the Street of Myungdog in the Rain.

Before the gig, Sandeul said, I wouldn’t make it too sad even though the song is originally emotional. This is my mother’s favorite song. I hope you reminiscence old good memories while watching the gig.

Leader Jiyoung stared the performance with his beautiful vocals to the lively accompaniment. He belted out with powerful yet beautiful voice while the set of the gig looked liked that of a musical. Followed by Baro’s rap, the gig was going to the climax. Next, Sandeul showed off his powerful, high-pitch vocals and elicited huge reactions from the audience.

The promising band failed to win a round against Im Tae Kyung despite its fantastic performance joined by its leader Jinyoung.

(msn_i_24  Xportsnews / AVIATEB1A4提供)

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原文(TRANS) Jinyoung Twitter Update : 저희오늘 바나덕분에 2위했어요~!!^^ 행복합니다~~!! 고마워요ㅜㅜ 


翻譯: 由於我們BANA投票~今天我們排行第2名〜!^ ^我們很高興〜〜!


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