- Sep 16 Mon 2013 09:54
ZE:A成員光熙參加MBC「Story Show 聚寶盆」節目,自爆到醫院脫毛。
- Sep 16 Mon 2013 09:42
收視率節節升高的 SBS「主君的太陽」,考慮延長2集。
SBS 相關人士在今天向媒體透露:「主君的太陽正在討論是否延長2集。目前正與製作人、演員們商量中,下星期會決定。」
劇中講話冷酷又刻薄的朱中元 (蘇志燮 飾),與太恭實 (孔曉振 飾)之間甜密的氛圍,展現出了各種面貌,與蘇志燮過去偏陰暗、深沉的角色有所不同,擄獲許多女性觀眾的心。
- Sep 16 Mon 2013 09:40
自8月開播以來,就獨佔水木劇收視冠軍的「主君的太陽」,本週劇情走向最高潮,收視率再創新高!本週,太恭實 (孔曉振/孔孝貞 飾) 為了尋找失蹤、死亡的孩子而進行調查,最終發現起因是車禍。當兇手得知太恭實知道真相後,想將她加以殺害。兇手拿著凶器要刺向太恭實時,周中原 (蘇志燮 飾) 替她擋了這一刀,並送進了急診室。
根據 AGB 收視率的資料顯示,本週「主君的太陽」全國收視率有 19.3%、首都圈則是 20.4%,並打敗了同時段節目 KBS「期待戀愛」3.2%、MBC「Two Weeks」11%,衛冕收視之冠。
( nocutnews、Kpopn 提供)
- Sep 13 Fri 2013 11:14
- Sep 13 Fri 2013 10:35
JYJ替仁川亞運唱主題曲「Only You」預告38秒,一個星期閱看率300,000次。
It’s gotten 300,000 views in one week. The teaser video for ‘Only One’, JYJ’s Incheon Asiad song, has been met with an explosive response.
On the 3rd, the Incheon Asian Games committee uploaded the video on their official YouTube channel and it garnered over 300,000 viewers in one week. Fans from all over the world, not only Korea and Asia, have shown their interest in the song with over 1,600 comments made in various languages such as English, Korea, Japanese and Chinese.
JYJ, who are at the center of Asia’s Hallyu Wave, were chosen to be the honorary ambassadors of the Incheon Asian Games in February. They have been working since the early months of this year on an Incheon Asiad song and music video that the four billion people of Asia can enjoy together.
The teaser video, which is around 38 seconds long, shows the members of JYJ entering the main Asiad stadium and cheering for their Incheon Asian Games. Shots of the three members recording the song, practicing the choreography and shooting the music video have Hallyu fans and sports fans alike excited to see what comes next.
The full audio and music video of ‘Only One’ will be released all across Asia on the 16th, exactly one year till the games begin. Afterwards, JYJ will be promoting the Incheon Asian Games on a ‘road show’ across Asia in countries such as China and Vietnam.