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붐, 박재민, Miss A 민, 그리고 너무나도 개구진 매력쟁이들, B1A4!!!! 늦은 시간 피곤하지만 재미있는 촬영 중♥ All the K-Pop!!!

(msn_i_24  Min w/ B1A4 @ All the Kpop提供)

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130321 - Twitter - Sandeul
너무 많은 분들이 제 생일을 축하해주셔서… 아직까지 어제의 여운이 남아있어요…흑흑;;내가 뭐가 이쁘다고~~!!ㅎㅎ 고마워요!!ㅎㅎ

翻譯 : 許多人向我祝賀我的生日,所以......從昨天的感受依然在我的腦海裡揮之不去... heuk heuk;我非常高興〜〜!ㅎㅎ謝謝你!ㅎㅎ

어제 너무 많은 축복을 받고 나니까 앞으로 제가 보답해야 할 분들이 정말 많구나~ 다시 한번 생각했어요ㅎㅎ 아무튼!! 너~무 행복한 생일 맞게 해줘서 너무 고맙고 더 열심히 할테니깐~ 지켜봐주셈ㅎㅎ 모두들~~ 고마워요~~!!ㅎㅎ

翻譯 : 收到這麼多的祝福後,昨天,我再一次意識到,真的有很多人,我在未來會很努力〜ㅎㅎ!非常感謝你讓我有一個很特別的生日,我會更加努力的〜所以,謝謝大家ㅎㅎ每個人〜〜謝謝〜〜!ㅎㅎ

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Q. How do you feel about celebrating your birthday?

A: Last year I celebrated my birthday with fans. Maybe it’s because it was such a huge occasion that having to celebrate it amongst ourselves this time is a little saddening. I think it’ll be more fun if there was an opportunity to celebrate and enjoy together. I think it’s because I spent it way too interestingly last year. Even so, I’m really thankful that there are still fans who come personally to congratulate me.

Q. How do you feel about growing older?

A: Since growing old means gaining more life experience, I am looking forward to me. I’m curious to know how I will think as I grow older. I want to express the things that I feel from the gradual acquisition of life experiences musically.

Q. What is the age you look forward to the most, and why?

A: 30 years old. People around me say that only when you go over 30 years old, you have ‘experienced life’. I think that’s why I look forward to getting older. I’m curious about what kind of emotions and thoughts I would have and how I will sing according to the experiences I’ve had.

Q. What are the things you like to hear, and hate to hear on your birthday?

A: I hate to hear people tell me not to eat so much. Honestly it’s my birthday, I want to eat cake and delicious foods. It’s sad to hear people asking me to restrain myself. I thought about things I’d like to hear, but I’m still not too sure. ‘Happy birthday’ is good but weirdly, it doesn’t seem to be it. Of course I’m thankful that people congratulate me on the day I’m born once a year, but I end up thinking even more about my parents. I didn’t think this way in the past, but having to live apart from my parents… I think even more about them on my birthday. I hope my birthday is a day where I can reflect on the past times.

Q. What was your conception dream?

A: I asked my mother, and she said there were huge fishes swimming along the river bank and amongst them was a rainbow fish.

Q. What was the most memorable birthday?

A: My birthday last year. Celebrating my birthday this year, the thought of last year came up and I felt like something was lacking. It was really nice that it wasn’t just me being congratulated but an occasion that everyone was happy and enjoying.

Q. What special presents have you received?

A: This time would be photobook? There are many fans who made them like a long album. It’s nice because it’s filled with all the memories and it makes me think of the past.

Q. What is a present you wish to receive?

A: I want to receive a song that everyone can enjoy and feel happy.

Q. If you were given a break for your birthday, what is one thing you have to do?

A: A holiday. I like to just walk around, so it’ll be nice to walk about aimlessly while sightseeing and gathering up my thoughts.

Q. What was a wish you made when you were young? Has it come true?

A: If I talk about wishes that have yet to come true, they won’t come true so those are kept as secrets. But amongst those that have come true, ‘please let me sing’ would be one. I got that job that allows me to sing.

Q. What would be your birthday in 10 years’ time be like?

A: I want to spend my birthday in 10 years’ time on stage. Not just being congratulated, but I want to be the present to someone too. The presents I can give are songs, so it’ll be nice to be standing on stage.

Q. A star whom you wish to be congratulated by?

A: Zion.T. I was extremely impressed and moved by watching him sing. His style of singing is very interesting and delightful, so I think I’ll be really happy to be able to be congratulated by him.

Q. If there’s something you want to thank on your birthday?

A: My parents. Thank you so much for giving birth to me, for bringing me up, for allowing me to sing as I live. And thank you for believing in me and allowing me to do the things I want to.

Q. Say something to yourself on your birthday.

A: Don’t think about other things, have strength and work hard from now on. Fighting!

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多才多藝的韓國團體B1A4終於要演戲劇了?續信宇之後現在換成隊長振永將要出演TVN SNL迷你戲劇版「WOW」,這也是他第二齣戲劇出演呢~以前未出道的振永也有演過戲呢(客串)!!


(msn_i_24  source daum、trans 、aviateb1a4提供)

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前陣子為大家報導過珍惜夫婦在「深深打破」節目中與 Baro 見面了,而廣播節目的內容也在16日的我們結婚中播出囉!

節目中,高俊熙毫無保留地表達出她對 B1A4 成員 Baro 的喜愛,而當 Baro 在電台直播室中登場時,高俊熙完全沒辦法隱藏她既緊張又興奮的心情。



(msn_i_24  mydaily、Kpopn 提供)

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